Mourdock’s Right: God Knows and Loves Babies Conceived in Rape
The Work of His Hands, Copyright © Gary B Clark Abortion proponents and their friends in the mainstream media…
Pennsylvania Health Dept. Give Abortionist a Pass for Years
Doctor charged in baby deaths; Archdiocese calls actions ‘abhorrent’ “A Philadelphia doctor who routinely performed illegal late-term abortions for more…
Moody Radio covers Scheidler v. Trombley libel suit
Yesterday a piece ran on Moody Radio’s national program Prime Time America highlighting the libel suit I’m fighting against Planned…
Planned Parenthood loses a Customer
It is great to see some old and some new faces spending time praying to stop abortion at the Planned…
Mayoral Candidates Respond to Planned Parenthood in Aurora
Last night, the third mayoral debate occurred at the Wesley United Methodist Church. Audience participants were provided the opportunity to…
New video exposes Planned Parenthood’s ongoing child abuse cover-ups
Live Action Video has brought us the latest in the shockingly consistent trend of videos exposing Planned Parenthood employees explicitly…
Common Sense, or Non-Sense?
UPDATE: Eric Scheidler’s response to Ms. Sherman’s column was published in today’s Beacon. In this morning’s Beacon News, columnist Deena…
Ruling in Scheidler v. Trombley
If all you read was the Beacon News headline this morning, you may have gotten the wrong idea about what…
“An Unplanned Education”
Yesterday, I read the following article on the National Review web site. I thought it was good, and I discovered…
Batavia library debate heats up
A one–two punch came in the local press yesterday as pro-lifers were labeled “nitwits”, “nincompoops”, “thought-police”, and the oh-so-condescending “misguided”….
Planned Parenthood’s Obscene Profits (by Michelle Malkin)
I thought this was an interesting article written by Michelle Malkin, titled Planned Parenthood’s Obscene Profits . Here’s an excerpt:…
Video invite to Saturday’s Rally—bring your camera!
We’re only a few days out from the big rally at Planned Parenthood this Saturday and JT Eschbach has just…