Lawsuit against Chicago “Bubble Zone” Gets National Media Attention
PLAL founder Joe Scheidler talks to WBEZ’s Dan Weissman outside Chicago Planned Parenthood [Photo by John Jansen] In our previous…
Pro-Life Action League Sues the City of Chicago over “Bubble Zone” Law
Today the Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Pro-Life Action League that seeks to overturn the…
Pro-Life Action League to File Suit against City of Chicago over “Bubble Zone” Law
Next Tuesday, the Pro-Life Action League is filing a lawsuit against the City of Chicago over the unjust “Bubble Zone”…
League Co-Sponsors Dynamic Sidewalk Counseling Workshop
Coalition for Life St. Louis director Brian Westbrook (second from right) joins pro-lifers at 40 Days for Life site…
Unanimous Pro-Life Victory at the Supreme Court Today
The pro-life movement scored a huge victory at the Supreme Court today, as the nine justices ruled unanimously in McCullen…
“Face the Truth” Day Exposes Chicago Abortionist Mandy Gittler
Abortionist Mandy Gittler was responsible for the death of 24-year old Tonya Reaves at Planned Parenthood’s Near North Center in…
Encouraging Oral Arguments in McCullen v Coakley Sidewalk Counseling Case
Eleanor McCullen outside the bubble zone at Planned Parenthood in Boston Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments…
League Calls for Prayers on the McCullen v. Coakley Sidewalk Counseling Case
The Pro-Life Action League is calling on all pro-life Christians to pray the Lord’s Prayer each day from January 7…
Daley Won’t Be Missed by Pro-Lifers
After hearing the news yesterday that Richard M. Daley will not run for a seventh term as Mayor of Chicago,…
Is There a Breakthrough in the Bubble Zone Fiasco?
Walter Hoye (right) with Ann and Joe Scheidler in Hawaii last year In Oakland, California, Pastor Walter Hoye started praying…
What To Make of League Foe Steve Trombley’s New Job?
Steve Trombley at Chicago City Hall in October 2009 [Photo by Matt Yonke] Steve Trombley has a new job. The…
Pro-Life Sign Disappears
Not many weeks ago I wrote about the new sign which had been placed on the newsstand outside the Planned…