#ProtestPP Nationwide on April 23
Last year, the Pro-Life Action League joined forces with some of our closest allies in the pro-life movement to launch…
Christ is Risen!
Indeed He is risen! During this Easter Week, we take special consolation in the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the…
Visit the Gravesites of Aborted Children at Three Locations across Chicagoland This Saturday
Of the 47 burial sites of aborted babies located across the United States, three are located in the Chicago area,…
League Raises #PPSellsBabyParts Banner at Rockford Face the Truth Day
It is often hard to gauge the response to the Pro-Life Action League’s Face the Truth displays. Shouts from car…
#ProtestPP Locations Nationwide
On Saturday, August 22, pro-lifers will be visiting over 320 Planned Parenthood locations to protest their scandalous practice of harvesting…
Local Leaders Needed for National Day of Remembrance Prayer Vigils
The Pro-Life Action League is pleased to join with Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Priests for Life to host…
Rest in Peace, Charlie Rice
On February 25, longtime University of Notre Dame law professor Charlie Rice died at the age of 83. In the…
Joe Scheidler Pays Tribute to Brother Paul O’Donnell
On February 20, longtime pro-life advocate Brother Paul O’Donnell died at the age of 55. Brother Paul O’Donnell speaks at…
Rest in Peace, Dr. Jack Willke
On February 20, pro-life pioneer Dr. John Willke died at his home in Cincinnati at the age of 89. Dr….
League Calls for Prayers on the McCullen v. Coakley Sidewalk Counseling Case
The Pro-Life Action League is calling on all pro-life Christians to pray the Lord’s Prayer each day from January 7…
R.I.P., Tom Bresler
Wedding photo of Heather and Tom Bresler, August 1, 1942 My longtime friend Thomas W. Bresler, founder of Chicago’s Aid…
Share Your Personal Story about Abortion
The Daily Beast is looking for personal stories about abortion to run during the week leading up to the 40th…