
Will You Accept the Pro-Life Action League’s 2016 Lenten Prayer Challenge?


In past years, the Pro-Life Action League has called on pro-lifers to pray for those involved in the abortion business…


Planned Parenthood Rhetoric vs. Health Department Inspection Reality


Shortly after the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) started released undercover videos this summer, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards sent…

Health Care

League to Protest Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in Chicago Tuesday


Only days after coordinating the second wave of nationwide protests at Planned Parenthood facilities, the Pro-Life Action League will picket…


Planned Parenthood decries sting video team for “fake” company and “heavy editing.” They ought to know.


Planned Parenthood has gone into full damage-control mode in the midst of the controversy created by a series of undercover…

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Logic: Opposition to Abortion = “Hate”


Planned Parenthood still hasn’t gotten the memo Do you believe that the lives of unborn babies deserve the protection of…


League’s “Handcuffs Project” Hits Home


When I mailed out a package to every abortion clinic in the country a couple weeks ago, including a pair…

Our Opposition

Cosmopolitan Covers Pro-Life Action League’s Handcuffs Project


On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade last week, the Pro-Life Action League mailed a “care package” to every abortionist…

Our Opposition

Planned Parenthood’s Latest Annual Report Highlights the Continued Failure of “Emergency Contraception”


With last week’s release of Planned Parenthood’s 2013-2014 annual report [PDF], we learn that the nation’s largest abortion chain is…


Planned Parenthood Was against Abortion Before It Was for It


If you’ve ever wondered why Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards rarely gives on-camera interviews, watch this video: Remember, Planned Parenthood…


Who Is Planned Parenthood’s Newest Member? You’ll Never Guess


For reasons unbeknownst to me, the other day I received at our home address my official Planned Parenthood Membership Card,…

Our Opposition

“Emergency Contraception” Has No Effect on Abortion Rates, But May Lead to a Decrease in Reports of Rape


A new article on so-called “emergency contraception” (hereafter: EC) was published last week in the Journal of Policy Analysis and…


Planned Parenthood of Delaware Abortionist Exhibits All Manner of Creepiness


The nation’s largest abortion chain styles itself “America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care.” Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, who worked as…

Law and Politics