League Raises #PPSellsBabyParts Banner at Rockford Face the Truth Day
It is often hard to gauge the response to the Pro-Life Action League’s Face the Truth displays. Shouts from car…
Eric Scheidler NOT GUILTY on Bogus Criminal Trespass Charge
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/prolifeaction/videos/10155885832925008/?permPage=1″ width=”533″ height=”300″ onlyvideo=”1″] It’s a good day for justice. Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler was found…
Court Date Set for August 3 in Eric Scheidler’s Criminal Trespass Case
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/prolifeaction/videos/vb.10150096009920008/10155759324155008/” width=”533″ height=”300″ onlyvideo=”1″] Today, Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler was back in court again for the…
Victory Against Planned Parenthood in Illinois Appellate Court
Planned Parenthood’s Aurora, Illinois mega-center [Photo by Matt Yonke] The Pro-Life Action League is pleased to report a victory in…
Tell Your Senators to Vote YES on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
The Pro-Life Action League released this video when the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was under consideration in the…
VIDEO: Chicago Abortion Clinic Loses License, Fined $50,000—and Pro-Choice Escorts Refuse to Look at the Evidence
Recently, following our regular stint of sidewalk counseling and praying outside the Albany Medical-Surgical Center abortion facility in Chicago, Pro-Life…
NARAL Admits Unborn Babies Feel Pain—and Are Babies
The other day a strange email from the pro-abortion group NARAL showed up in my inbox. I’m subscribed to all…
Threat to Conscience Rights Averted in Illinois—For Now
The Illinois House closed its spring session this weekend without voting on SB 1564, which would have stripped pro-life doctors…
Five Reasons to Urge Your Congressman to Support the Pain-Capable Act
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act comes up for a vote in Congress today, and in this video, League Executive…
Congress Schedules Vote on Pain Capable Bill the Day after Pro-Lifers Protest on Capitol Hill
Last week I traveled to Washington D.C. to join a group of pro-life leaders for protest at the Longworth Congressional…
League’s Attorneys Expose Planned Parenthood Fraud in Illinois Appeals Court
Yesterday, the Pro-Life Action League’s attorneys from Chicago’s Thomas More Society went toe to toe with Planned Parenthood in Illinois’…
Protect Doctors’ Rights of Conscience in Illinois—Call Your State Senator TODAY
A new bill in the Illinois Senate which could be voted on any day now, would force healthcare providers to…