
VIDEO: Chicago Abortion Clinic Loses License, Fined $50,000—and Pro-Choice Escorts Refuse to Look at the Evidence

Recently, following our regular stint of sidewalk counseling and praying outside the Albany Medical-Surgical Center abortion facility in Chicago, Pro-Life Action League founders Joe and Ann Scheidler and I decided to ask the pro-choice escorts who were “protecting” the clinic if they knew about the recent actions taken against it by the Illinois Department of Public Health: namely, that the Department has fined Albany $50,000 and moved to revoke the facility’s license.

Despite repeated invitations to look at the evidence contained in the Department’s documents, these escorts—who claim to be all about “women’s health”—had no interest in doing so. But you really have to watch the video for yourself to see how they reacted.

For the record, the documents we offered to show the escorts are available here [PDF]. The screenshots included in the video come from page 4, page 25, and page 30.

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Join us Saturday, June 6 at 9:00 a.m. for a protest outside the Albany abortion clinic. Details are listed below and on the Facebook event page:

  • EVENT: Protest outside Albany abortion clinic in Chicago
  • WHEN: Saturday, June 6 at 9:00 a.m.
  • WHERE: 5086 N. Elston Avenue, Chicago Map
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