
Not Even Obama and Sebelius Would Allow OTC Sales of “Emergency Contraception” to Kids, But a Judge Does


Federal District Court Judge Edward Korman ruled this morning that the morning-after pill (or, so-called “emergency contraception”; hereafter, “EC”) must…


Religious Freedom Still Under Attack Despite New HHS Mandate Rules Announced Today


Today the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced proposed new rules allegedly intended to accommodate the moral objections…


BREAKING: 43 Catholic Institutions File Suit over HHS Mandate


Lawsuits were filed by 43 Catholic institutions in federal court today against the Obama Administration over the HHS Mandate. Among…

Law and Politics

Washington Archdiocese Slams Georgetown for Honoring Sebelius


The Archdiocese of Washington has sharply criticized Georgetown University’s decision to invite HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to address its School…

The Church

Honoring Kathleen Sebelius: Georgetown Does the Unthinkable


It’s hard to not sound over-the-top in describing how much of an outrage it is that the speaker at Georgetown…

Law and Politics

Sebelius Didn’t Do Her Homework When Drafting HHS Mandate


Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made some rather candid admissions at an April 26 Congressional hearing. Before she…

Health Care

Fight Obama’s HHS Mandate: NATIONWIDE Rally March 23


In response to President Obama’s HHS Mandate, the Pro-Life Action League is partnering with Citizens for a Pro-Life Society in…


Sebelius’ Plan B Decision a Matter of Common Sense


The decision earlier this month by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius not to allow girls under 17 to…


Sebelius’ Kansas Health Dept. Destroyed Evidence to Protect PP


Planned Parenthood in Kansas has been under investigation since 2003, spearheaded by former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline. Kline brought…


Joe Praises Hoosier Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood


On Thursday, October 6, League Director Joe Scheidler gave the keynote address at the 20th anniversary celebration of St. Joseph…

Law and Politics

League to Protest NARAL Fundraiser October 5


When we found out that NARAL was holding their annual “Power of Choice” fundraising luncheon in downtown Chicago October 5th,…

Law and Politics