Christ Is Risen!
Indeed He is risen! During this Easter Week, we take special consolation in the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the…
Sympathy for the Victims
Whenever we go out on the streets for a “Face the Truth” Tour, we can always count on someone happening…
Christ Is Risen!
Indeed He is risen! During this Easter Week, we take special consolation in the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the…
Will You Accept the Pro-Life Action League’s 2017 Lenten Prayer Challenge?
For several years, now, the Pro-Life Action League has asked pro-lifers like you to accept a “Lenten Prayer Challenge,” and…
To Be Pro-Life Activists, We Must First Be Humble
Since we first published our Life Witness Prayer Book in 2010, we’ve distributed thousands of copies to pro-lifers nationwide, and…
What Does Blessed Miguel Pro Have in Common with Victims of Abortion?
Whenever we go out on the streets for a “Face the Truth” Tour, we can always count on someone happening…
Is It Un-Christian to Show the Victims of Abortion?
On our website is a page that addresses the most common objections we hear during our “Face the Truth” Tours,…
League Protests award to Joe Biden at Notre Dame Commencement
Dozens of pro-life volunteers turned out this past Sunday at the entrance of the University of Notre Dame to protest…
Protest Joe Biden at Notre Dame
When the University of Notre Dame honored President Obama at their commencement ceremony in 2009, the Pro-Life Action League hosted…
Join Fellow Pro-Lifers in Praying a “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” on Good Friday
On a bleak Friday afternoon nearly 2,000 years ago, our savior Jesus Christ was crucified at Golgotha, “the place of…
“Neither Do I Condemn You”: An Invitation to Post-Abortion Healing
In the Catholic liturgical calendar, the Gospel for this past Sunday is the story of the woman caught in adultery…
Will You Accept the Pro-Life Action League’s 2016 Lenten Prayer Challenge?
In past years, the Pro-Life Action League has called on pro-lifers to pray for those involved in the abortion business…