
Sebelius’ Kansas Health Dept. Destroyed Evidence to Protect PP

quicktakePlanned Parenthood in Kansas has been under investigation since 2003, spearheaded by former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline. Kline brought charges in 2007 of 107 counts of falsifying abortion records and committing illegal late-term abortions, 23 of which are felonies.

Today the judge in the case granted prosecutors two weeks to re-work their case based on new evidence that records crucial to the case were destroyed in 2005 under the watch of then Kansas governor and current Obama Administration Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. The League protested Sebelius earlier this month when she spoke at a NARAL luncheon.

It also appears that Planned Parenthood may have falsified records to make it appear that they had complied with record-keeping laws after the fact.

Sebelius was a known ally of Planned Parenthood and notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller, both of whom filled her campaign coffers with large donations, but it’s surprising that even she would sink to the depths of destroying evidence to protect her cronies.

The story is developing and we’ll know more when prosecutors return to court after reviewing the evidence. Until then, get the full story from these reports:

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