
Stand Up for Religious Freedom!


Energetic Stand Up Rally in Chicago’s Federal Plaza, June 8 [Photo by Sam Scheidler] When President Obama first introduced his…

Health Care

Generations for Life Youth Outreach News


TeenSpeak 2012 our Best Yet Josh Brahm speaks at the TeenSpeak conference [Photo by Sam Scheidler] “Phenomenal!” “Absolutely fantastic!” “I…

Youth Outreach

Fort Pierce Pro-Lifers Eager to Save Babies


Fort Pierce, Florida has an intersection—12th and Delaware—so unusual that it became the title of an HBO “documentary.” That corner…


Joe a Featured Guest at Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture


Joe Scheidler on campus with fellow Notre Dame alumnus and pro-life activist Jim Finnegan for the Center for Ethics and…

Pro-Life Events

Paige Scarlett Joins the Pro-Life Action League Staff


The Pro-Life Action League is pleased to announce that Paige Scarlett has joined our staff as Development Director. Paige hails…

League News

Judge Reverses Ruling Against Eric Scheidler in Libel Case


Eric leads one of the peaceful 2007 protests that Planned Parenthood answered by libeling him [Photo by Elizabeth Carlos] I…


SpeakOut Illinois Conference Inspires Hope—and Action


Some of the seventy pro-life Illinoisans who joined the SpeakOut Lobby Day in the state capital of Springfield, March 8…

Law and Politics

Two Abortion Clinics Close as Illinois Steps Up Inspections


Eric Scheidler speaks at the celebration of the Rockford, IL clinic closing. In early 2011, a Pennsylvania grand jury issued…


Remembering Alan Nelles: A Stalwart Pro-Life Activist


Alan Nelles popped up one day — it must have been some time in the mid 1990s — at the…

Pro-Life Activism

League Fights for Free Speech at Chicago City Council


On Tuesday, January 17, the Leauge’s Eric Scheidler, John Jansen and I found ourselves in the Chicago City Council Chambers…

Law and Politics