Follow the Money: Planned Parenthood’s Loss is Left-Wing Fundraiser’s Gain
The Orange County Register came out with an eye-opening article recently highlighting the staggering amount of money that many third…
ACLU Pushes Bogus “Contraceptives in Peril” Agenda
Panelists at the Illinois ACLU’s “War on Contraception” seminar Jan. 30 (from left): Damilla Taylor, Gaylon Alcaraz, Leah Bartelt and…
Traditional Freedoms Require Vigilance
Last Saturday a Chicago tradition continued. It was the 25th anniversary of the Chicago Nativity Scene in Daley Plaza. Cardinal…
Can Illinois Join Alaska?
On Wednesday the Ms. Magazine Blog reported, “Yesterday, the Alaskan primary ballot included a measure to institute a parental notification…
Committee Passes Illinois FOCA Bill 5-2
This morning, the Illinois House of Representatives Human Services Committee passed HB6205, the Illinois FOCA, on a vote of 5-2….