Planned Parenthood Has Nothing to Say on “Selective Reduction”
It’s been over a week now since Ruth Padawer’s article on so-called “selective reduction” was posted on the New York…
The Pro-Choice Movement’s Problem with “Selective Reduction”
Slate writer William Saletan is committedly “pro-choice”, but because he has often publicly questioned the tenets that his movement holds…
“The Two-Minus-One Pregnancy”
This week the New York Times Magazine has a long article entitled “The Two-Minus-One Pregnancy” about women who are pregnant with…
International Surrogacy: “The Wild, Wild West of Medicine”
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal starts out talking about a pregnant surrogate mother from Bulgaria in a…
Don’t Be Fooled by the Cross on the Roof
Every month, for over 30 years, pro-lifers affiliated with the Pro-Life Action League have witnessed for life in front of…