Morning-After Pill “Completely Ineffective” for Women Over 176 Pounds
On Monday the liberal magazine Mother Jones reported: The European manufacturer of an emergency contraceptive pill identical to Plan B,…
Not Even Obama and Sebelius Would Allow OTC Sales of “Emergency Contraception” to Kids, But a Judge Does
Federal District Court Judge Edward Korman ruled this morning that the morning-after pill (or, so-called “emergency contraception”; hereafter, “EC”) must…
“Emergency Contraception”: A Failed Strategy
Eric Scheidler’s post earlier this week shone a spotlight on Planned Parenthood’s failure to reduce unintended pregnancy in the U.S.,…
Relationship Advice from PP: “Stop Thinking of Her As a Person”
Supporters of Planned Parenthood are quick to point out that abortions aren’t all that PP does. And although abortions do…