Religious Freedom vs. the Siren Song of Consequence-Free Sex
Recently Planned Parenthood sent out an email to their supporters highlighting their “Top 5” moments from 2013. Considering how much…
Eric Scheidler Tells Indianapolis Audience What’s at Stake in the Fight against the HHS Mandate
Eric Scheidler speaks on religious freedom in Indianapolis on Sep 22 [Photo by Bill Spence] On September 22, it was…
Accomplishment #5: Abortionists’ dreams of taxpayer funded abortion have been thwarted.
NOTE: This article is one of a series on the “top ten” accomplishments of the pro-life movement over the past…
“Adjustment” to HHS Mandate Nothing But a Shell Game
Earlier this hour, President Obama announced in a White House Press Conference an “adjustment” to the HHS Mandate. The Mandate…