
Learn the Facts

Where can a woman get help dealing with the pain of abortion?

Dealing with the aftermath of abortion can be extremely painful. Several resources are available to help.

  • Support After Abortion connects women who are hurting from abortion with resources to facilitate healing.
    Phone: (844) 289-4673
    Website: SupportAfterAbortion.com
  • Project Rachel is a nationwide network for individual post-abortion counseling.
    Phone: (888) 456-4673
    Website: HopeAfterAbortion.com
  • Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries provides weekend retreats for women to facilitate post-abortion healing.
    Phone: (877) 467-3463
    Website: RachelsVineyard.org
  • Your Abortion Experience offers women who have had abortions the opportunity to tell their story and move through the healing process at their own pace.
    Phone: (619) 501-9414
    Website: YourAbortionExperience.org

See also Is help available for men who have been involved with abortion?

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