
Learn the Facts

Don’t we need abortion to prevent overpopulation?

Overpopulation is not a problem in the United States. On the contrary, the U.S. fertility rate is 1.4 children per couple, which is actually below “replacement” level — the number of births needed to keep population stable. If not for immigration, the U.S. population would be stagnant.

Most European and Asian nations are well below the replacement rate. These nations will soon face a shortage of people of working age, with too few workers to support the elderly in their retirement. Even in developing nations, fertility rates have begun to steadily decline.

There is more than enough space on earth for the world’s population. In fact, every person in the world could comfortably live within the landmass of the state of Texas. The real problem is resource consumption, as developed nations consume resources at an alarming rate. While one solution to this problem might be to limit the number of people allowed to live on earth, a better solution would be to responsibly limit our consumption of the earth’s resources.


Mosher, Steven. “Did you know?” LifeIssues.net: Clear Thinking about Crucial Issues. http://lifeissues.net/writers/mos/pri_01texas.html.

Population Research Institute. FAQ’s. https://www.pop.org/simple/pri-faqs-frequently-asked-questions.

United Nations. Press Release Pop/918. February 25, 2005. https://www.un.org/press/en/2005/pop918.doc.htm.

The World Factbook. “Field Listing: Total Fertility Rate.” Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed November 2, 2023. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/total-fertility-rate.

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