
Pro-Life Event

Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion 2020

On Good Friday, April 10th, the Pro-Life Action League invites individuals to hold small-scale “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” services outside abortion facilities nationwide.

In past years, this event could reliably draw crowds of up to several hundred participants.  However, considering that federal guidelines for limiting the spread of the Coronavirus through April 30, and considering that 3/4 of the country is now under various “shelter at home” orders issued by state, county and municipal authorities, we recognize that this event cannot proceed as it has in recent years.

Guidelines for a small-scale Way of the Cross service

After reviewing the situation carefully — and conferring with our attorneys at the Thomas More Society — the Pro-Life Action League has issued the following recommendations to those who plan to conduct a service outside their location abortion facility:

  • Do not promote your event through email, social media, or church bulletins.
  • Limit your gathering for the prayer service to no more than 10 people.
  • Maintain at least 6 (six) feet between participants who are not from the same household.
  • Read and follow any specific directives from your state or local authorities.
  • Print copies of the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion booklet for members of your household and encourage those from other households to do the same.
  • Consider live streaming your service on social media, and invite people to participate that way.

What if the police tell you to stop your Way of the Cross service?

If you do go hold a Way of the Cross service — following the guidelines above — you should be prepared for the possibility that the police may object.  So be sure to carefully review these guidelines on the Pro-Life Action League webpage entitled, “Keep Your Pro-Life Outreach Going During the COVID-19 Crisis.”

To be clear, we do have a legal right to be out at abortion facilities in small, socially-distanced groups.  But if police still object after being informed that the attorneys at the Thomas More Society have okayed this activity, do as the police say — and then contact the Pro-Life Action League and tell us what happened.

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