
Pro-Life Event

Protest Personal PAC fundraiser in Naperville

Personal PAC — the powerful Illinois pro-abortion lobbying group behind the effort to repeal the state’s Parental Notice law — is having a secret fundraiser on Thursday, August 12th at a home in Naperville.

They tried to keep the location secret, but the Pro-Life Action League found out where it will be and we’re holding a protest. Join us!

Here are the details:

PROTEST of Personal PAC Fundraiser

When: Thursday, August 12th at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Meet in the Starbucks parking lot at Route 59 and 111th Street and Hassert Boulevard (map).

No group has done more to make Illinois the Abortion Capital of the Midwest than Personal PAC. Let’s get out there and let them know what we think about that!

Meet in the Starbucks parking lot at Route 59 and 111th Street and Hassert Blvd (map)

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