
Pro-Life Event

Stop Abortion Funding in Illinois

Urgent action is needed to stop HB40, a bill in the Illinois House that would institute taxpayer funding for abortion, forcing pro-life Illinoisans to fund abortion with their tax dollars.

Pro-abortion advocates came out in force to urge legislators to get the bill out of committee, and now it’s on the house floor.

Pro-life people must take immediate action or this bill will pass the house and then easily pass the senate.

Call your State Representative right now with the message: “No taxpayer funding of abortion. Vote NO on HB40!”

Click here to get your State Rep’s contact info and call them at their Springfield office right away.

The urgent need to take action against this bill cannot be overstated. Thousands of lives hang in the balance.

Please pass this action on to all your pro-life friends in Illinois by using the Facebook, Twitter, Email or Link buttons below!

Call your State Rep to STOP taxpayer abortion funding!

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