In March of 2024, Walgreens and CVS stores began selling the abortion drug mifepristone, in line with changes the Biden Administration made FDA regulations to allow the sale of abortion pills at regular pharmacies rather than only allowing them to be dispensed in a medical facility as was previously the case.
Pro-lifers across the country have taken action in response to this disastrous decision, and you can too by taking any or all of the actions detailed below:
- Give your pharmacist our “Dear Pharmacist” letter
- Organize a protest
- Distribute literature
- Find a new pharmacy, and let your old pharmacy know
- Take the “Walgreens Challenge”
- Spread the word
Give your pharmacist our “Dear Pharmacist” letter
The Pro-Life Action League has prepared a “Dear Pharmacist” letter that you can personally deliver or mail to your local Walgreens or CVS pharmacist to alert them to the dangers of the abortion pill and their right to not take part in its sale. Learn more about this project here.
Organize a protest
Organizing a protest of your local CVS or Walgreens store is a powerful way to show public opposition to their abortion pill sales. Nationwide protests efforts have been held, and keeping those efforts going locally is an important way to let the pharmacy chains know that we’re still not ok with abortion pills in our neighborhood pharmacies.
Visit to find a suite of resources including signs and banners, and literature to alert the public and drug store operators of their involvement in the abortion business. Also fell free to come up with your own creative ideas to make your protest interesting and compelling to the public!
You can have volunteers hold signs in fixed positions on the public way, or form a marching picket line. See How to hold an old school picket for more information on how to do this. Volunteers can stand in silent protest, or you can lead them in chants.
Generally speaking, 90 minutes is the longest you should run any individual protest as you don’t want to wear out your volunteers, but you can continue to hold protests as long as these pharmacy chains continue to sell abortion drugs.
Distribute literature
Distributing flyers or other literature is another great way to oppose abortion pills in pharmacies.
Our friends at PAAU have put together a great flyer you can print on your home computer and distribute. You can also hand out the Pro-Life Action League’s flyer The Abortion Pill: What You Need to Know.
To distribute literature, simply stand outside the entrance to your local Walgreens, CVS, or Rite Aid store to hand out literature explaining to customers about the abortion pill sales at the pharmacy. Do be aware that many stores entrances are on private property, so if the staff asks you to leave their property, you will need to comply and go to public property nearby, but you can continue distributing your flyers on public property to passersby.
See Learn to distinguish private property from public property for tips on how to figure out where usable public property is near your pharmacy. You can also leave literature on the windshields of cars in nearby parking lots.
Find a new pharmacy, and let your old pharmacy know
As difficult as it can be, a powerful way to let Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS know the public is outraged about their selling abortion pills is to move your prescriptions to a different pharmacy, and let your old pharmacy know why you’re doing it.
Walmart has not announced plans to begin selling mifepristone, so they are still a widely available option, but if you have one, moving your prescriptions to a locally owned drug store is an even better move.
All you need to do to have your prescriptions transferred is to let the new pharmacy you’ve chosen know exactly what prescriptions you’ll be moving and from where. They will contact your old pharmacy and take care of the rest.
After you’ve done that, stop by in person or call your old pharmacist and let them know you’ve moved your prescriptions in protest of their sale of mifepristone.
Take the “Walgreens Challenge”
PAAU has issued a “Walgreens Challenge,” calling on pro-lifers to go to their local Walgreens and cause a 60 second disruption. Simply enter a Walgreens store and talk loudly for all to hear about Walgreens selling mifepristone and its deadly effects. Some taking the challenge have even employed a bullhorn or dressed up in abortion pill costumes to attract more attention. Once your 60 seconds are up, simply leave.
Have someone take a video of you performing the Walgreens challenge and post it to social media with the hashtag #WalgreensChallenge so your action will have a wider impact. This tactic can also be used in Rite Aid and CVS stores.
Spread the word
Despite the protests and media attention surrounding this issue, many people are ignorant or misinformed about the facts of the matter. Speaking out about what’s happening is a crucial way to make change.
Speak to your friends and family members and let them know that their local Walgreens, CVS, or Rite Aid may soon become an abortion center. Post on social media about the issue and share news when on the topic when you see it.
If your friends, family, and co-workers don’t know what’s happening, they can’t take action against it, so be sure your circle is well informed on this important topic.