In the Beatitudes, Jesus tells us what makes the Kingdom of God different from the kingdom of this world.
Along with humility, a thirst for justice, and purity of heart, Jesus lists mourning as one of the keys to belonging to His kingdom.
Mourning is a way of loving those who have died. Mourning acknowledges someone’s value, rejects death as a final end, and longs for the reunion for which we are all destined.
As pro-lifers, one of the most important things we can do is to mourn for our brothers and sisters who were killed in their mother’s womb.
That’s why the Pro-Life Action League has teamed up with Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Priests for Life to call for the sixth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 8th.
The National Day of Remembrance comprises a series of memorial services at 52 known gravesites of aborted children throughout the country and at dozens of other memorial sites dedicated to unborn children.
Will you consider hosting a memorial service on this year’s National Day of Remembrance?
We’re looking for volunteers to step forward to organize memorial services at all 51 sites where unborn babies are known to have been buried. But 14 leaders are still needed. We’re also looking for leaders to host prayer services at those other memorial sites. Click here to find your state and see where your help is needed.
If you find a nearby site in need of a local leader — especially a gravesite — please consider volunteering. We will be there to help every step of the way.