On June 22, elite teams of Pro-Life Action League volunteers took up positions on highway overpasses in over 50 cities across the country for the first ever National Pro-Life Bridges Day. Together, they reached over one million highway commuters with banners bearing the message “Abortion takes a human life.”
Here are some of the highlights from this event:
- Pro-life banners were displayed in all weathers, including heavy rain in several Midwestern cities and extreme heat in the South, with temperatures topping out at 103 degrees in Waco, Texas.
- Response from the public was quite positive; as the leader in Akron, Ohio, reported: “In all my years of doing witnessing, I’ve never heard as many car horns and seen as many thumbs up or waving to us as we did today!”
- In Hamilton, New Jersey, several drivers stopped at a nearby scenic overlook to take pictures of signs held on a pedestrian overpass.
- The team in Santa Cruz, California, was so inspired by this project they plan to head back out on their highway overpass later this week.
- In Tulsa, Oklahoma a driver stopped to pass out bottles of water to the pro-life signholders, saying, “Keep up the good work!”
Among the media coverage of this project was this great story from the local NBC News affiliate in South Bend, Indiana.
This is just the beginning! The Pro-Life Action League wants to reach millions more Americans with this project. Find out how you can help make that happen here.