“Awesome!” “Amazing!” “I loved it!” These are just some of the comments that sum up the reaction of the 100 teens and adults who attended our TeenSpeak 2016 conference on January 30 in Oak Brook, Illinois. Back by popular demand after having spoken at a previous TeenSpeak conference, the day began with two talks by Equal Rights Institute founder Josh Brahm, the first of which was “Seven Essential Skills for Having Productive Conversations.” One student, Angela B., commented, “It was incredibly helpful! I now have more clear understanding of what it means to be pro-life.” Another student, Sydney G., noted, “I came here wanting a better understanding of the pro-life movement, and he gave me that,” with another student adding, “This talk presented tips for pro-life conversations in an interesting way that really helped me remember it. I am excited to try out these tips.” Josh then gave another talk, “The Most Undervalued Argument in the Pro-Life Argument,” in which he gave a detailed explanation of the Equal Rights Argument. As with Josh’s first talk, this second talk led to a lively Q & A session. One student summed the reaction of many by saying, “I have been looking for a way to articulate this argument for a couple of years and I finally found it!” Next up was former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, who shared some of his very personal story of why he stopped performing abortions. Following lunch, my Pro-Life Action League co-worker Matt Yonke gave a short presentation on the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress and the #ProtestPP movement launched in response to it. This segued directly into our Pro-Life Protest Sign Workshop. I began by showing several examples of well-made and not-so-well-made signs that we have encountered at pro-life demonstrations over the years. Attendees were divided into 20 groups, and each group was given a large posterboard, a pencil, a set of markers, and 40 minutes to create their own pro-life protest sign. The competition proved stiff, but in the end the judges selected a thoroughly creative design by Christian W., Sam H., Sophia S., and Marygrace C. Reactions to TeenSpeak 2016 were overwhelmingly positive. Genevieve B. commented, “I had the same feeling at the conference as I did at the March fr Life. My heart was on fire for Jesus and I was so ready to fight for life and what I believe!” Maeve S. added, “I am so glad I came! The people and talks were awesome! 10 out of 10!” Thanks to everyone who came to TeenSpeak 2016! But even if you weren’t able to make it, you can still get MP3 recordings of both talks given by Josh Brahm right here.