Next month, Planned Parenthood turns 100. That’s 100 years of preying on our families, polluting our culture, and, since 1970, killing our children by the millions.
Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country have already begun holding big fundraising parties in “celebration” of their big anniversary and using the opportunity to spread their lies and propaganda in the media.
Pro-lifers can’t match Planned Parenthood dollar for dollar. We don’t have a big government subsidy. We don’t have the mainstream media or Hollywood in our pockets.
But we have God, and we have the power of prayer.
And along with our friends at Created Equal and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, we’re going to use that power to confront Planned Parenthood on their 100th anniversary by holding prayer vigils at over 100 Planned Parenthood centers across the country on October 15, and we want you to be a part of this important prayer campaign.
Check here to find out if a vigil is already planned in your area. If you don’t see a prayer vigil near you, please consider hosting one at a Planned Parenthood facility in your area. You can sign as a local leader here.
You won’t want to miss this chance to confront Planned Parenthood with the power of prayer on October 15!