The Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, and the Hahn family, owners of Conestoga Wood Specialties, are standing for all of us as they defend religious freedom by challenging the HHS Mandate in court. And now we must stand up with them as their cases are brought before the Supreme Court.
It’s one week till the Supreme Court hears their cases, so let’s keep fighting together by spreading the truth about the Mandate in the world, and by bringing it before the Lord on our knees.
Here’s day 3 of the Novea:
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate: Day 3
God our Father,
You are the author of Liberty.
You created each human being
in Your own image and likeness,
and bestowed upon each person
a dignity that nobody can take away.
You are the defender of our freedom,
a freedom by which we seek you,
and seek to be faithful to Your law.
At this time of our history,
we ask You to protect the freedom You have given us
and to defend our dignity.
Give us the grace to speak up
on behalf of conscience,
and the freedom to live out our faith
no matter what the cost.
Give to each person, and to our public officials
the grace to respect each person’s freedom of conscience and religion.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.