
League’s Eric Scheidler to Speak at Supreme Court Rally for HUGE Hobby Lobby Case 3/25

Rally and Prayer Vigil at the Supreme Court 3/25

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On Tuesday, March 25, the Supreme Court will hear the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood v. Sebelius cases which challenge the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate, and League executive director Eric Scheidler will be there for a rally and prayer vigil for religious freedom the League has organized!

The prayer vigil and rally will begin at 9:30 a.m. Get full details on the event at the Stand Up for Religious Freedom website.

You can help spread the word by sharing this graphic promoting the rally with all your friends on Facebook and other social media.

These cases could overturn Obama’s HHS Mandate and your prayers are desperately needed. Spread the word about the rally and join the Novena to Stop the HHS Mandate leading up to Tuesday’s protest today!

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