Sometimes the path God gives us to walk leads us places we never imagined we could go.
That’s exactly the kind of story you’ll hear in this talk from the Pro-Life Action League’s conference “CONVERTED: From Abortion Provider to Pro-Life Activist” featuring former Planned Parenthood health center manager Sue Thayer.
Sue was a sex-ed teacher and came on board with Planned Parenthood thinking that they would help her spread a simple message of “safe sex”.
But the deeper she got behind Planned Parenthood’s flashy veneer, the more troubled she became.
Sue reveals how abortion was pushed with a monthly quota to be met and how the sex-ed message she wanted to spread was being hijacked by Planned Parenthood’s “Anything goes” mentality.
Finally, seeing women hurt by “tele-med” abortions with no doctor present caused Sue to see the harm the nation’s largest abortion provider causes to children in the womb and to women.
Sue quit her job at Planned Parenthood and began a journey that would lead to the closing of the health center she once managed!
Watch the video to hear how that happened, and see all the videos from the CONVERTED conference right here. We’ll be adding a new talk each week, so check back soon for more.
To download the audio of this talk to play on your MP3 player, right click this link and choose “Save Link As” (Chrome/Firefox) or “Save Target As” (IE).