On January 22, the Pro-Life Action League will mark the 40th Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision with a nationwide project entitled “Blessed Are They Who Mourn”—and you are invited to take part.
It was on January 22, 1973 that the United States Supreme Court ruled unborn babies have no legal right to life, launching the American Holocaust that has taken the lives of over 55 million unborn babies.
Roe v. Wade‘s earliest victims would be raising their own children by now. Some of them might even be grandparents.
The “Blessed Are They Who Mourn” project will highlight the humanity of these unknown but not unloved victims of abortion with a call for pro-lifers all across the country to make solemn visitations to memorial sites dedicated to the memory of aborted babies.
It’s simple: Just visit a memorial site on January 22 and pray.
With the help of hundreds of volunteers throughout the country, the Pro-Life Action League has compiled a list of hundreds of memorial sites all over the United States—including over a dozen gravesites where abortion victims have been buried.
To be a part of the “Blessed Are They Who Mourn” project, visit one of these sites in your area sometime on January 22 and offer prayers of mourning for all the unborn babies who have been killed by abortionists since 1973. It’s that simple.
You may wish to use this specially crafted prayer of mourning available here [PDF] when you visit your memorial site.
If you wish, you can let us know about your experience at the site, either through our contact form or on the League Facebook page.
Why not organize a group and alert the press? Consider organizing a group prayer time at one of these sites in your area. To alert the local press so the example of your witness can help awaken people’s hearts to the horrible human cost of abortion, use this press release template [Word doc].
“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
This project is inspired in part by the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who has called mourning a “shattering encounter with truth, which leads men to undergo conversion and to resist evil.”
In the chapter on the Beatitudes in the first volume of his Jesus of Nazereth, Pope Benedict XVI explains the power of mourning:
Those who do not harden their hearts to the pain and need of others, who do not give evil entry to their souls, but suffer under its power and so acknowledge the truth of God—they are the ones who open the windows of the world to let the light in.
On January 22, be one of those who “let the light in.” Spend some time in prayer at a memorial site for the victims of abortion—a simple activity of profound spiritual significance.
If you do, you will be blessed, just as Our Lord promised.
Find the League’s list of nationwide memorial sites here.