The Pro-Life Action League was founded to save babies from abortion — and sometimes that mission intersects with other social issues. Right now is just such a time.
Long experience shows that the safest place for children is in a family with a mother and a father. Children conceived outside a traditional family are much more likely to be aborted.
That’s why the Pro-Life Action League is so concerned about the attempt to redefine marriage in our home state of Illinois, without any regard for what’s best for children.
If we throw out the idea that marriage is society’s way of linking children with their natural mothers and fathers, the further erosion of marriage is inevitable. And that means more abortion.
That’s why defending marriage should matter to pro-lifers — and why we need to take action to stop our lawmakers from redefining marriage in Illinois.
Please join us for the Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield on Wednesday, October 23rd:
- Event: Defending Marriage Lobby Day
- When: Wednesday, October 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Where: Illinois Capitol, 401 South 2nd Street, Springfield [map]
More details are available here.
The day begins at 9:00 a.m. with prayer at the Lincoln statue on the East side of the Capitol. From there, we’ll visit our legislators, as well as join in a Rally and other activities.
If you prefer not to drive down yourself, special buses are heading to Springfield from many points around Chicagoland and across the state. A full list of bus locations is available here.
Your presence is urgently needed, especially because Planned Parenthood will be busing people in the day before our lobby day to push for redefining marriage!
Planned Parenthood gets the connection, and so should we. The purpose of marriage is to protect children, not to advance a radical “pro-choice” agenda.
Plan to join us in Springfield Wednesday, October 23 to defend marriage and protect children in Illinois.