The International Week of Prayer and Fasting kicks off this Saturday, September 21 and the Pro-Life Action League is happy to be a supporter of this great prayer event!
The concept is simple: nine days of prayer and fasting for an end to the “culture of death,” and for a newfound appreciation for basic human rights, particularly in the United States of America. By invoking the help of our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, and by praying the Rosary, this week can play a crucial role in the conversion of nations and changing the course of world events.
League National Director Joe Scheidler will be speaking at the kickoff event at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday, September 21. You can get more details and register to attend that event right here.
Please consider taking part into this important week of prayer and fasting for the soul of our nation!