
Live Action Releases Two New Videos Investigating Late-Term Abortions

Yesterday Live Action released the first video in a new series, “Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry”:

A few hours later, Media Matters’ Simon Malloy published a hit piece attempting to discredit the video, to which Live action’s Calvin Freiburger gave a right and proper smackdown.

Then Live Action doubled down by releasing a second video:

Jill Stanek noted:

Santengelo demonstrated both the need and disregard for the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which provides legal and medical protection to all babies no matter what gestational age, wanted or not.

Note also Santangelo’s late-term abortion method of choice: cutting the umbilical cord to kill the baby inside so s/he either bleeds to death from the gaping umbilical cord or suffocates from oxygen deprivation. This is just a variation of Gosnell’s “snipping” procedure.

Without a doubt, Live Action’s newest videos are an immense addition to the growing body of evidence that Kermit Gosnell is anything but an “extreme outlier.”

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