
Fairfax, VA Pro-Lifers Storm City Council with the Help of the Pro-Life Action League

Fairfax City Council meetingBack in March, I got a call from John Murray, the coordinator of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Fairfax, Virginia.

John had gotten wind that the abortion clinic where they had been holding their 40 Days vigils, NOVA Women’s Health, was closing, but that it may be re-opening in another location.

NOVA had been kicked out of their current location after the owner of the building sued the abortionist for nuisance, citing such things as women bleeding and vomiting in the hallways of the building, to say nothing of having sent a woman to the hospital after a botched abortion last year.

The previous abortionist at the clinic had a history of botched abortions and drug-dealing not unlike the kind uncovered in Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” and had his medical license suspended.

The local pro-lifers did some digging and found that not only was the clinic moving, it was moving to a monstrous 20,000 square foot space in the heart of the city’s downtown area.

Independent “Mega-Mill” Comes to Fairfax

I was shocked to hear this as this was the first case I’d heard of an independent abortionist taking on Planned Parenthood’s “Mega-Mill” strategy where they open a centrally located abortion facility large enough to handle the business of a multi-city area.

When John told the 40 Days for Life staff about what he knew, they immediately told him to get in touch with the Pro-Life Action League.

After our battle with Planned Parenthood here in Aurora, Illinois in 2007, we had acquired a treasure trove of information, tactics and tools that we’re thrilled to share with pro-lifers fighting abortion nationwide.

League Helps Local Activists Craft Strategy

League Executive Director Eric Scheidler joined John and me on a few phone calls to craft a strategy to uncover what NOVA Women’s Health was up to and how to fight it. Central to this plan was opposing the facility at the Fairfax City Council.

Just last week, that portion of the strategy was unfurled as pro-lifers packed the May 14 city council meeting. The crowd was standing-room-only with many signed up to address the council about NOVA’s planned move to the downtown area.

Mega-Mill Had Halted Construction!

As it turned out, before the public comment section, the council announced that the planned construction of the new space for NOVA was not, in fact, currently underway. Apparently they had withdrawn their building permit. A cheer went up through the council chambers!

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This was great news, but it was not the end of the story. Later research showed that they did still hold a ten year lease on the space and would be re-applying to resume construction at a later date, though that date is unknown.

Last Tuesday’s display of pro-life fervor could certainly have an impact on how that application is handled when it’s re-submitted.

With the clinic’s building plans remaining a looming threat, it was good that many of those who had signed up to speak addressed the council anyway, informing them of the harms that would come to Fairfax if NOVA was allowed to build in their downtown area.

It’s vitally important that city governments know the kind of outrage they will raise if they allow abortion facilities in their community, and the Fairfax pro-lifers gave them a taste of that outrage for over an hour last Tuesday night!

Congratulations to the pro-life community of Fairfax for standing up for your civil rights and being a voice of reason in your community! It’s bold, public action like this that keeps Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry from riding roughshod over law and order as they’ve so often shown themselves willing to do.

The League Can Help YOU Fight Abortion in Your Community

We’ll be keeping tabs on the situation as it progresses, and we’ll post here if the battle to keep NOVA Women’s Health out of Fairfax erupts again.

If you hear of an abortion clinic coming to your town, we at the Pro-Life Action League are here to help. Call us at 630-896-1200 or contact us via e-mail and we’ll do everything we can to help you keep abortion out of your community.

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