
League’s Good Friday Way of the Cross Goes National

Way of the Cross, Rochester, NY

Pro-lifers in Rochester, NY, were among those nationwide holding Good Friday events at the League’s invitation

Even as the Pro-Life Action League was getting under way with this year’s Good Friday “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” in Aurora, Illinois, under the watchful eyes of the police, activists in cities all over the country were joining this annual event for the first time.

In March, I invited all of the “Rally Captains” recruited for last year’s Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies, held at hundreds of sites across the country, to host Good Friday prayer services at their local abortion clinics. I knew this group of local leaders to be both deeply dedicated to the pro-life cause and eager for guidance from the League.

Building on the training program employed for the rallies last year, I provided a detailed guide on organizing a Good Friday event, sample promotional and media materials, an ecumenical prayer booklet and even instructions for creating a set of outdoor Stations of the Cross.

Along with my assistant Matt, I created a one-minute “Way of the Cross” promotional video to show exactly what such an event looks like and explain its rationale. In a voice-over on the video, I linked the unjust execution of Jesus Christ at Golgotha with the unjust homicide of unborn babies at each abortion clinic in the country, and called on pro-life Americans to go to the “Golgotha” in their own neighborhoods to pray on Good Friday.

Response was outstanding. Photos and videos poured into my inbox from groups all over the country that took part. I’m gratified that so many local pro-life leaders are eager to follow the lead of the Pro-Life Action League.

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