Editor’s Note: The article below was written by Wendy Wood of Orange County (New York) Right to Life.
Orange County Right to Life sponsored a “Face the Truth Tour” on Saturday, October 20 in Orange County, New York. The purpose of this was to show the humanity of the unborn child and the devastation of abortion, particularly to our fellow Christian brothers & sisters as they prepared to vote.
Since we had never done a Face the Truth Tour before this was all uncharted territory for us, so we decided to limit it to two locations in Orange County.
One of our concerns when doing this was the effect on post-abortive women and men. So we felt very blessed to have Father Stephen Imbarrato (Pastoral Consultant from Priests for Life) join us to make himself available for anyone seeking healing after abortion.
The first location, in Middletown, is where we had had the Life Chain just two weeks prior. I was really struck by the fact that even though the signs for these two events were quite different, for the most part we really got the same reaction from those passing by. Much of the response was very positive (honks of support, thumbs up).
Mother Shares Touching Story: She Was Almost Aborted
One young woman pulled her car over to talk with us. She wanted to thank us for being out there and sharing the truth about what abortion really is. With tears in her eyes she shared with us how she was supposed to be aborted.
Her mother was on her way to the abortion appointment when she felt her kick for the first time! At that point her mother knew she couldn’t go through with the abortion. This young woman had her two little children with her and told us she was now a doctor and would like to be involved with pro life work!
There was also a gentlemen who actually stopped his truck the middle of the road so he could get out and yell about the graphic photos and how it would affect the children (even though we did have Warning signs in place).
After two hours at our first location we packed it up and headed to Vails Gate, where we spent the next two hours praying. The one thing that stood out in Vails Gate was the young women. It was so sad to see the disconnect they have for the “reverence” of life & motherhood.
We were particularly struck by two young ladies who walked by the first trimester abortion photo without turning their heads towards it to see. Then two young men walked by and were absolutely grossed out by the photo and let us know it. One young lady screamed out to us that she had had five abortions.
It wasn’t an easy day by any means but it is something that needs to be done. One of the many beautiful people who came out to pray with us was Joan Andrews Bell. Joan brought four of her children with her. As we were loading the signs onto the truck she asked me, “When are we doing this again?”
God bless her and all the faithful pro lifers who are willing to sacrifice for the babies, their parents, and all affected by abortion.