Among pro-life activists, there is perhaps no one for whom the Pro-Life Action League has more respect than Dr. Monica Miller, the director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society.
Since 1976, Monica has done it all: sidewalk counseling, organizing sit-ins at abortion clinics, getting arrested, leading protests and “Face the Truth” tours, and retrieving the bodies of thousands of aborted babies from dumpsters and giving them a proper burial—just to name a few.
We’re very happy to announce that her new book, Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars, is now available for pre-order at a 35% discount.
Here’s a poignant excerpt from Abandoned to whet your appetite:
One Saturday afternoon I was actually overcome with this sense of being different.
I had just returned to my Rogers Park apartment after sidewalk-counseling at Albany. It had been a hard morning. Out on the sidewalk Donna and I had spoken to a woman for over 20 minutes and she agreed with everything we said. She agreed the unborn baby was human, and that the baby had a right to live. She even agreed that abortion was a sin, but in the end she went into the clinic.
Now as I stood alone in my kitchen, I played back the conversation in my head. As I prepared myself a simple lunch I continued to think about the loss of the child. I opened the door to the refrigerator to retrieve a carton of milk. In the midst of reaching into the refrigerator my hand stopped. I was gripped by a realization. I thought, “I’m not living in a normal world anymore.”
Standing there, suspended in time with one arm in the fridge, I realized that “normal” could not apply to a world in which the murder of the unborn was protected by law – and that I could no longer consider myself a normal person. I knew that I could not live my life in the expected way….
To be pro-life is to be enveloped by a desperate, agonizing moment in history. As awareness of injustice grips you, you cannot free yourself and it is a suffering. Here was terrible loneliness. I felt alienated from the world. I even felt alienated from my own country. Words like “liberty and justice for all” didn’t seem real to me.
At the same time I also knew this was a time for great good. I knew lives could be saved. But I also felt the burden of being aware that a whole segment of the human family was denied their right to live.
We are particularly humbled and grateful that Monica has dedicated her book to Pro-Life Action League National Director Joe Scheidler. Monica writes:
When I was just getting started in pro-life work, it is Joe Scheidler who had the greatest influence on my life and indeed Joe is all over the pages of this book!
I will forever be grateful to him, for his passion, his vision, his courage and creativity as a pro-life leader. In many ways this book would not have been possible without Joe.
Please consider ordering your advance copy today and help Abandoned awaken the soul of America.
And Joe Scheidler says:
I encourage everyone—and maybe especially those who are not pro-life, to get a copy of this amazing book! As a pro-life activist leader who has fought for decades in the battle for the unborn I can honestly say that Miller’s book is one of the most important ever written on the subject of abortion.
It is a masterpiece of passion and unique insight. There are few books that can change a person’s life-but this is one of them. Its compelling historical narrative takes you places you have never been, makes you see things you have never seen. As no other book has done, Miller’s true story lays bear what’s at stake in the war over abortion.
Pre-order your copy of Abandoned here.