
NARAL Still Trying to Justify Abortion

naral1The Pro-Life Action League has learned that the Illinois Choice Action Team (Illinois’ NARAL affiliate), is holding what they call a “Speakout” in Chicago on Friday, January 21.

They want women to testify that abortion is good for them, and they want “pro-choice moms” to come and talk about how to “protect Roe v. Wade.” It sounds like NARAL and the Illinois Choice Action Team are feeling a bit defensive. Have they noticed finally that they are losing the battle for the public mind?

Ordinary Americans are waking up to the injustice of abortion. Nobody can ignore the truth that an unborn baby is a human being. They have seen enough ultrasound images that they no longer buy into the argument that the baby in the womb is just a blob of tissue.

So now the pro-abortion crowd has to turn to attempts to prove that it’s OK to kill a small human because a grown-up human is more important. That’s a hard sell. But the Illinois Choice Action Team is giving it a try anyway.

If you live in the Chicago area and have nothing better to do on Friday evening, head over to the Filter Café at 1373 N. Milwaukee Avenue [map] from 7:00 to 9:00pm. **UPDATE—1/20, 3:25pm: New venue is the third floor hospitality room at 330 W. Diversey Ave. [map], and the new time is from 7:30 – 9:00pm. ICAT now says they’re taking RSVPs through Facebook or by email to [email protected].

It is interesting that they have chosen to call their Friday event a “speakout.” The SpeakOut Illinois pro-life coalition has used that name for twenty years. I guess the Action Team is a little clueless on pro-life history.

The 20th anniversary of the REAL SpeakOut Illinois is Saturday, January 29 at the Doubletree Hotel in Oak Brook. Now that’s an event worth going to.

Incidentally NARAL has reinvented its name several times in the past couple of decades. It started as the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws. Once they got Roe v. Wade, they change the name to National Abortion Rights Action League. Then they added an extra word without changing the moniker and became the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. Now they’re NARAL Pro-Choice America. Who knows what the “NARAL” thing means in that name.

NARAL and the pro-choice movement are having an identity crisis. It’s pretty hard to justify promoting the killing of helpless, innocent babies. But they try with efforts like their “speakout” at the Filter Café on Friday.

It won’t work.

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