A few weeks ago, League Vice President Ann Scheidler posted an entry about Kameron and Kaydon Manns, conjoined twin baby boys who died on August 13 at the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago.
The first comment in response to the story was posted by one Olivia Dunham, who wrote:
Call me heartless and I know you will, but abortion would have been my choice. I wouldn’t want to watch my babies suffer.
A few comments have been posted in response, but one comment in particular, submitted by Yolanda Butler — Kameron and Kaydon’s grandmother — is so moving that it deserves to be re-posted here for all of our readers to see:
Hello Olivia,
I am the grandmother of these miracle babies and just to let you know they didn’t suffer they lived a quality life. They grew, they smiled they had teeth, they breath on their own, they watched television they were human beings most of all they were gifts from God. These two babies have done more in 17 months then most of us have in our 20, 30 years of life. They brought a family together, they have inspired others to have Faith and believe, they have even given you something to think about. Their short lives have shown us with a shared heart they still had love. Sometimes we speak before we think and it gets us in trouble. Life is precious and every breath that we take is precious. If your mother thought the same as you some one in your life would not have the benefit of loving or even caring about you and for you. Remember we all have a purpose and we need to figure out ours. Kaydon and Kameron purpose was to bring love to our family.