Recently on The Abortion Gang, a blogger named Kaitlyn asked, “Want to eliminate the need for abortion?”
Her answer was — you might want to sit down for this — making contraception more accessible. (Specifically, so-called emergency contraception.)
Kaitlyn’s rationale is that a recent Reuters article reports that there has been a 150% increase in the number of women who say they have used EC since 2002, due to the fact that it’s now available over-the-counter.
She then confidently draws conclusions about the results of this huge increase in the use of EC:
In other words, when you make contraception safe, accessible, and affordable, people will use it, thereby preventing the unintended pregnancies that often result in termination.
Apparently Kaitlyn didn’t bother to read the rest of the Reuters article she linked to. If she had, she would have come across a candid admission from one Megan Kavanaugh of the Guttmacher Institute:
The hope, Kavanaugh noted, had been that emergency contraception would lower the national rate of unintended pregnancy. “But so far there’s no evidence that this is happening,” she said.
I’m guessing Kaitlyn must have missed the memo that based on all available evidence, the very most that can be said of EC is that it’s “more effective than nothing.”