Fr. Alfred Tumwesigye blesses the new statue at Resurrection Hospital in Chicago [Photo by Ann Scheidler]
Sidewalk counseling is a difficult job at best. Trying to offer a different perspective and a better choice to women who have apparently thought about what to do with an unplanned pregnancy and have chosen abortion is no easy task.
For those of us who take up that challenge and stand in front of the abortion clinics, every avenue of support is vital. We depend heavily on the counselors at the pregnancy resource centers so that we can promise real help to women in crisis. But sometimes the pregnant moms need even more than a pregnancy center can provide.
Here in Chicago we are blessed with a new resource in support of life. Resurrection Medical Center, responding to our very specific needs in the case of late term abortions, has initiated a special protocol to handle women who change their minds after beginning a two or three day abortion procedure.
New Statue of Joseph and Mary Dedicated in Honor of New Protocol
Ann Scheidler with the new statue
Wednesday afternoon the hospital held a formal dedication and blessing to announce the new protocol, named the Bethlehem Project. I was invited to participate in the ceremony, along with Sr. Donna Marie Wolowicki, CEO of Resurrection Medical Center and other members of the hospital staff. The hospital chaplain, Fr. Alfred Tumwesigye, blessed a beautiful statue of St. Joseph taking Mary to Bethlehem. In the statue, the Blessed Mother is obviously very pregnant. She is on a difficult journey. St. Joseph is taking care of her.
The Bethlehem Project recognizes the difficult journey of a woman facing a crisis pregnancy. Resurrection Medical Center joins us in reaching out to help make the way a little easier, to make a choice for life possible.
We hope that in other parts of the country where abortion clinics are doing late term abortions, sidewalk counselors can forge similar relationships with Catholic or Christian hospitals to meet the needs of women who want to reverse the abortion procedure and choose life for their babies. We’re happy to help make that happen.