The Pro-Life Action League’s staff will show pro-lifers in Cincinnati, Ohio how a “Face the Truth Tour” is carried out by taking this highly successful project to the streets of the Queen City on Saturday, October 8.
Bringing the tour to Cincinnati was suggested by my cousin Tim Scheidler at the Tribute held in my honor earlier this year. Tim is from Cincinnati and believes a tour will not only alert the public to the barbaric practice of abortion, but will also help to increase the number of pro-life activists in the area.
Working with Tim to sign up volunteers for the tour is Jennifer Giroux, a legendary pro-life leader known across the country for her many successful campaigns against abortion. She has been instrumental in publicizing films such as The Passion of the Christ, promoting the campaigns of pro-life politicians and working behind the scenes to get local legislators to sponsor and pass anti-abortion legislation.
Taking “Face the Truth” on the Road
The League has taken Face the Truth to other cities such as Rapid City and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and elsewhere with the goal of encouraging pro-life activists in their own locales to continue the League’s program of scheduled Truth Tours throughout the year, as the League has been doing for the past 11 years.
When the League takes a Tour on the road, we provide the leadership, the graphic signs and much of the literature to be distributed, and we ask local pro-life leaders to supply volunteers to hold signs at each site and house League members while they are in town.
League staff work with local leaders in advance to determine the best sites — that is, high-traffic intersections — for reaching the largest numbers of passersby with the truth about abortion, and to ensure that the local Tour will run smoothly.
It is our hope that once local pro-life activists have taken part in a Face the Truth Tour, they will adopt the program and begin holding their own Tours regularly, as happens in Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Tucson, and Washington State.
The full schedule for the October 8 Cincinnati Face the Truth Tour will be posted soon — watch this space.
Invite the League to Hold a Face the Truth Tour in Your City
- If you would like to invite the Pro-Life Action League to hold a Face the Truth Tour in your city, please contact us.