
Corrina Departs League to Begin Law School

Corrina Gura

Corrina on the 2010 Face the Truth Tour [Photo by Sam Scheidler]

Corrina Gura, who joined the staff of the Pro-Life Action League in summer 2008, has started on the track to a legal career. After three years working for the League—which seems to attract an unusually high need for legal expertise—Corrina has begun her studies at Loyola University School of Law.

During her tenure with the League, Corrina juggled a variety of responsibilities. She collected data on the sidewalk counseling ministries throughout the nation and developed the sidewalk counseling map featured on the League’s website. She spent many hours on sidewalk counseling and praying at two of Chicago’s high-profile abortion facilities: the Near North Side Planned Parenthood and at Albany Medical-Surgical Center.

Corrina regularly posted life-affirming blog entries on hot pro-life topics, bringing a unique perspective to news items that touched on life issues. And she kept a close eye on the plots and plans of the abortion advocates so that the League could protest their events and respond to their propaganda.

When Chicago’s City Council passed a bubble zone ordinance in 2009 to inhibit the work of sidewalk counselors, Corrina became the local expert on the new law. No one, it seemed—not police officers, abortion clinic workers, nor most pro-lifers—grasped the language of the law, which was admittedly confusing. But Corrina made it her personal mission to make sure everyone understood exactly what the ordinance prohibited and what it permitted (see her story on page 1).

Although there is still confusion and inconsistency on the part of the police, and the abortion clinics routinely (and probably intentionally) misstate the terms of bubble zone ordinance, Chicago sidewalk counselors now know their rights, largely due to the diligence of Corrina Gura.

Corrina’s work on the annual 40 Days for Life prayer campaign was also invaluable, as was her assistance with the annual SpeakOut Illinois conference.

When Corrina and League office manager Urszula Mihai decided to learn how to crochet, they used their newfound talent to make eighty green and white scarves as gifts for special supporters of the League. Corrina even enlisted her grandmother to help with the project. For months they worked on the scarves while on lunch break, and surely Corrina must have spent countless additional hours crocheting outside of work as well.

Corrina has always been a real team player. As part of the Face the Truth set-up crew, she placed volunteers along the Truth Tour site, greeted and collected names, passed out water, filled in when volunteers had to leave early, carried signs, distributed literature and answered questions. With her experience on the debate team at Augustana College, Corrina was always well prepared to give talks and interviews and to respond to media inquiries, as well as editorials and articles on abortion and other life issues.

We at the Pro-Life Action League will miss having Corrina on staff, but we know she will be an asset to the pro-life movement as an attorney in just a few short years. Please keep her in your prayers as she delves into torts, contracts and Constitutional law. We’re all proud of her.

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