
“You Care about Me, Right?”

you-care-about-me-rightI recently came across a powerful post-abortion testimony written by a woman named Lindsay Sherbondy. Writing in the form of an Open Letter “to the men and women of the pro-choice movement,” Lindsay begins:

As a senior in college, becoming a mother was not a part of my agenda. My boyfriend and I had lofty dreams, goals, and aspirations. We were prepared planners who knew the importance of higher education and were grounded in the fact that we were going to become professionals first and parents later. Statistical believers, we were devastated to find that we fell within the two percent margin in which the birth control pill does not in fact prevent unwanted pregnancy. Products of a generation groomed to feel more entitled than any group preceding us, we probably took the right to choose more casually than the pro-choice activists of the 1970s. In an era where the Roe vs. Wade decision is as normal to American 20-somethings as the desegregation of public schools, our reaction to the first positive pregnancy test was what you have been fighting for: “We have a choice to make.” In our situation, we chose abortion.

Read the whole thing.

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