
What’s Important Isn’t Always Easy

One of the most important activities in the pro-life movement is arguably the most draining. For me at least, one of the most difficult things to do, is praying outside of an abortion clinic. I find active pro-life work to be significantly easier and more enjoyable. I mean, who doesn’t like shopping for baby clothes to donate to a crisis pregnancy center? Stuffing envelopes can be fun when you’re with a group of friends, and there’s always a bit of competition as to who can be the most efficient. I have no problem participating in pro-life rallies or protests, and even enjoy taking part in the Face the Truth Tour. Distributing pamphlets? No problem. The March for Life? Sign me up. But it’s standing outside a clinic, silently praying, that takes the most effort. Unless you’ve been trained as a sidewalk counselor, you’re helpless. You watch the women go in, knowing that they’re going to make a decision that will end a life, and dramatically alter theirs. Sometimes you’re a couple feet away from a woman, close enough to step in her path and block her from reaching the clinic, but legally unable to do so. Or you have a whole parking lot separating yourself from the women, forced to pray and watch from a distance. Either way, it’s frustrating. Now, I’m NOT saying that praying outside a clinic doesn’t make a difference. What I’m saying is that we don’t always see the results of our work. There have been pregnant women who have seen pro-lifers praying outside of the clinic, and have cancelled their abortion. Meanwhile, all we see are the women who choose to go in. Despite all of this, it is incredibly crucial to the pro-life movement that we do pray outside of clinics. We are the LAST hope for these women and their children, which is why we can’t give up without a fight. Our efforts do have success, and many women have chosen not to have abortions. And as we all are probably aware, the important things in life usually aren’t easy.

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