This report comes from the front lines via stalwart activist Jerry Nickels (pictured below outside Planned Parenthood Aurora). Jerry and his wife Karen have been involved in pro-life efforts in Aurora since before Planned Parenthood came to town.
Good news for counselors and prayer partners. Today at 3:20 while Deacon Tom Hawksworth and I were praying and witnessing to life at the PP facility, a young woman pulled up and parked her SUV on the road next to us. She exited and came over to inquire whether we had some literature that we could give her—presumably for someone she knew. Tom happily had a packet and proceeded to give her a couple of brochures. Then she shared with us that a couple of years ago she had come to PP abortion minded and instead decided to choose life. She said that she gave birth to twins and just wanted to tell us that what we do does make a difference and wanted to encourage us to continue. Judging from her attitude it was obvious that she cannot imagine life without her twins and that she is now a strong supporter of the pro-life cause. Then, as quickly as that she turned around and left before we could ask her if it was due to a specific thing that was said by someone or if was the general presence of pro-lifers that helped her change her mind. At any rate, we just have to know we are His instruments, and this reaffirms that the ministry outside of PP is helping to save (and change) lives.