
Chicago’s N.W. Suburbs Face the Truth

Malachi sign along Rand Road in Arlington Heights
Malachi sign along Rand Road in Arlington Heights, IL

Picture-perfect weather provided ideal conditions for the 40 pro-life activists who took part in the Pro-Life Action League’s Face the Truth Day on May 19 in Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs.

The first stop of the day was at Arlington Heights Road and Rand Road in Arlington Heights, which had been one of the busiest sites on the July 2009 Tour. Arlington Heights has also been a hot spot for pro-life activism recently after local activists learned that abortionist Vinod Goyal has sought permission to move one of his abortion facilities into a medical office building in the community.

Thanks to the great turnout in Arlington Heights, all of the large graphic signs were deployed, as well as numerous hand-held “Stop Abortion Now” signs.

Many drivers offered thumbs-up and words of encouragement, although not everyone was happy with our presence, including one passerby who, curiously, called us “hillbillies” and told us to “go back to the South”.

Shell gas station that apparently doesn't want business from pro-lifers
Shell gas station that apparently doesn't want business from pro-lifers

Even stranger, upon entering the Shell gas station adjacent to a display of Truth Tour signs, the League’s Eric Scheidler and Matt Yonke were immediately told to leave. One can’t help but question the fiduciary acumen of a business that kicks out would-be paying customers.

Literature Distributed En Masse in Des Plaines

The second of the two Tour stops was in Des Plaines at Mannheim Road and Oakton Street, which had last been a Truth Tour site in 2004.

Mary Ann Krupa distributes Face the Truth brochures in Des Plaines
Mary Ann Krupa distributes Face the Truth brochures in Des Plaines
As it was right in the middle of the lunchtime rush hour, the site bustled with traffic the entire time, and hundreds of Face the Truth brochures were distributed to drivers waiting at the intersection.

The League’s office received a number of phone calls during the demonstration from passersby irate for having to see pictures showing the reality of what abortion does to unborn children—evidencing once again the ability of Face the Truth to successfully “afflict the comfortable”.

However, one other notable feature of the Des Plaines stop was the number of drivers who were so moved by the display that they generously gave donations ranging from a handful of change to a check for $100.

Without a doubt, the day was a great way to continue our 2010 Face the Truth season. Keep your eye here on the Pro-Life Hotline Blog as well as the Tours page, where we post the itineraries for upcoming Truth Days so you can know when you’ll have the next opportunity to join us.

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