
Protesting Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards in Iowa May 20

Cecile RichardsOn May 20, the Pro-Life Action League will join pro-life leaders and activists in Iowa to protest an appearance by Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards.

This is the same Cecile Richards who once called the pro-lifers who were opposing the opening of the huge Aurora, Illinois abortuary “some of the ugliest anti-choice protesters we’ve ever seen.”

Moms and dads with kids in strollers, grandmothers with their Rosary beads, high-school teens rallying on behalf of their unborn brothers and sisters—that’s what Cecile Richards calls “ugly.”

Abortion Is Nothing To Celebrate

What I call ugly is the kind of gala celebration of abortion that brings Richards to Cedar Rapids next week. It’s the “Planning is Power” 30th anniversary of Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa (PPECI) at the Cedar Rapids Marriott.

But abortion is nothing to celebrate. In the thirty years since PPECI was founded, over 185,000 unborn babies have been aborted in Iowa (source)—most of them by Planned Parenthood.

It’s no wonder that Richards is eager to visit Iowa. Planned Parenthood is desperate to legitimize their abortion business. They want to make abortion as American as apple pie, hiding it behind words like “choice” and “planning” and “empowerment.”

But we’re not going to let that happen.

Join the Protest in Cedar Rapids

If you live anywhere within a few hours drive of Cedar Rapids, I invite you to join the pro-life protest.

Protesting Planned ParenthoodWe’ll kick off at 4 p.m. in the parking lot of St. Pius X Church in Cedar Rapids, with the collection of baby goods for the local pregnancy centers. Planned Parenthood is pushing abortion on the poor women of Iowa, so we want to do what we can to help them reject abortion and choose life.

Then I will emcee a press conference at 4:30, with pro-life leaders from Iowa. Our message for the media is simple: “Abortion is nothing to celebrate!”

Then at 5 p.m., my staff and I will lead the pro-life group down the block to the Cedar Rapids Marriot, where Planned Parenthood is holding their abortion gala. We’ll tear the mask off Cecile Richards’ euphemisms about “choice” and “planning” and show Iowa what Planned Parenthood is really Abortion, Incorporated.

(See below for protest details, including maps.)

Can’t Make the Protest? You Can Still Help!

Even if you don’t live within a few hours drive of Cedar Rapids, you can still help make this protest a huge success in three ways:

  1. Tell all your friends and family in or near Iowa about the protest and ask them to take part in it. Send them to this page to get all the details.
  2. Make a special gift to the Pro-Life Action League to help offset the costs of holding the rally and protest.
  3. Pray that the protest will be a success: fair weather, great turnout and good media coverage of our message that “Abortion is nothing to celebrate!”

All pro-life Americans should be concerned when Planned Parenthood targets the “heartland” like this. And now you can do your part to fight back.

Cecile Richards Protest Details

  • 4:00 p.m. Baby shower drop off begins in the parking lot at St. Pius X Church at 4949 Council Street NE (map)
  • 4:30 p.m. Rally and press conference in the St. Pius X Church parking lot
  • 5:00 p.m. Protest outside Cedar Rapids Marriott at 1200 Collins Road NE (map)
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