On Sunday afternoon as the U. S. Congress moved closer and closer to voting on ObamaCare, we fielded phone call after phone call at home from pro-lifers who were panicked about the healthcare fiasco. “Call Fr. Pavone,” “Join Chris Smith’s Rosary,” “Can’t you do something?” were the laments from callers.
Yes we are distressed that the healthcare bill has passed. But the reality is that our work as activists does not change with the shifting winds of the political scene. Just as with the election of Barack Obama on November 4, 2008, when we reminded pro-lifers that our task remains the same, we will continue to save babies at the abortion clinics. It won’t matter if federal funds can be used to pay for abortion if we can intervene and save those babies at the clinic doors.
We know scripture tells us, “Put not your trust in princes.” (Psalm 146:3) But we are only human and we tend to look for the silver bullet-the easy way out. There is none. John Cavanaugh O’Keefe, a pro-life activist since the early ’70’s, wrote No Cheap Solutions, cautioning activists to be wary of dependence on politicians or judges to restore the sanctity of life.
Changing Hearts and Minds
We know scripture tells us, “Put not your trust in princes.” (Psalm 146) But we are only human and we tend to look for the silver bullet-the easy way out. There is none.
O’Keefe is absolutely right. It is our job to change the hearts and minds of our fellow countrymen. It is our job to share what we know about the inestimable value of human life with everyone we meet. Most of the time our commitment will be seen in our everyday actions–the way we treat other people, the way we talk about children, the handicapped and the elderly. Sometimes we will be called upon to defend our beliefs in conversations, in emails, in the classroom. And for the dyed-in-the-wool activist the commission to build a culture of life means we stand along the roads with a graphic abortion sign in a Face the Truth Tour, we join a protest at Planned Parenthood or we witness to life at an abortion clinic.
So, don’t let Sunday’s passage of the healthcare bill put you out of commission. Just think of it as a reality check – “Put not your trust in princes.” Renew your commitment to stop abortion. Go to an abortion clinic this week, maybe even yet today. You don’t need a congressman to save a life.