
The Devil Is in the Details

detailsRecently at the Abortioneers blog, one of the contributors who goes by the name Desembarazarme posted an entry entitled “Beyond the First Trimester”.

As the title suggests, her post focuses primarily on second trimester abortions, but not before giving a brief explanation of first trimester abortion itself:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like most people who know what’s up know the gist of a first trimester abortion procedure. The cervix is minimally dilated, the doctor inserts a small plastic tube through the cervix and into the uterus, the tube is connected to the aspirator, which creates gentle suction to remove the pregnancy tissue, it takes five minutes, all is well, some cramping and bleeding are normal as the uterus return to a non-pregnant state. Everyone get that?

Well, no.  Not from that explanation.

“Gentle Suction”?

If you’ve spent much time looking at pro-abortion websites, you’ll know that Desembarazarme is hardly alone in describing the suction in a first trimester abortion as “gentle”. (Not surprisingly, the Wal-Mart of the Abortion Industry does too.)

One needn’t spend much time wondering why abortion advocates use this phraseology. If you’re trying to sell women on the idea that abortion is no big deal, you’re obviously going to try to make it sound as agreeable as possible.

But take a look at a medical illustration of a first trimester abortion, and a picture of an actual pregnancy tissue baby killed by one, and ask yourself if the suction necessary to do that could properly be considered “gentle”.

What Becomes of the Baby?

Desembarazarme’s description of a second trimester D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion is also rather wanting:

A second trimester abortion is known as a D&E, or a dilation and evacuation procedure, and it takes place over the course of two to three days–that’s the dilation process. The evacuation part is only about 10 to 15 minutes. There’s still no cutting involved–everything is removed through the cervix, and it’s still a minimally-invasive and safe procedure. But since the fetus is more developed, the cervix needs to dilate more to accommodate the instruments and the removal. …

The doctor removes the laminaria if it was in place and then removes the fetus using suction and instruments similar to those that are used for a first trimester abortion.

Reading this description, I was reminded of watching an old movie and seeing the words “Scene Missing” on the screen.

What exactly happens to the fetus? The Abortioneer doesn’t say. But this medical illustration does.

Interestingly, abortionists who do D&E’s disagree on how this particularly appalling and gruesome abortion procedure should be done — as Christina Dunigan records here — and about which are the best instruments to use. (Warren Hern, for instance, is a big fan of decapitation scissors.)

But not so curiously, Desembarazarme omits details like these.

“I Had No Idea…”

Desembarazarme’s blog post is really emblematic of what the abortion industry wants the general public to know about abortion. They want people to know that abortion is a procedure a pregnant woman has in order to make herself “un-pregnant”, so to speak. But as for connecting the dots on how exactly that happens, they would prefer to keep us fuzzy on the details.

Through my job as co-director of the League’s youth outreach, Generations for Life, I often have the opportunity to speak to teenagers about abortion. One of the points I often make is that a lot of people, regardless of their age or education level, are clueless about the most basic facts about what happens to a baby in an abortion.

How else, after all, can one explain the gobsmacked reaction so many people have when they happen upon the graphic abortion pictures at one of our “Face the Truth” demonstrations, where comments along the lines of, “I had no idea what abortion was until I saw these signs” are par for the course?

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