The League’s newly redesigned Life Witness Prayer Book
One of the most significant ways we can spread the Gospel of Life is by praying outside of abortion clinics. All across the country, prayer warriors are doing spiritual battle at the abortuaries. To help encourage this effort, the League has created an interactive online map with hundreds of clinic witness contacts nationwide, to make it easier for pro-lifers like you to take part in this urgent pro-life ministry.
But if there’s not a prayer group in your area already, you can start one. All it takes is you and a friend, and a copy or two of the Pro-Life Action League’s new resource, the Life Witness Prayer Book, which arms you to be a prayer warrior at the foot of the cross.
Whether you’re a new recruit or a veteran, the Life Witness Prayer Book is an excellent tool for making your prayer time at the abortuary fruitful.
It keeps your focus on the unborn babies threatened by abortion, their mothers and those who threaten them with abortion. If your prayer time is ever sidetracked by faltering concentration or chit-chat, the Prayer Book will put it back on target.
Expanded Prayer Book Adds Variety
The book is particularly helpful for those who have never been to a clinic to pray before, packed with prayers, hymns, Scripture readings, and Rosary meditations suitable for any size group. Four full hours or prayers ensure your time praying on the front lines will be well spent.
The prayer book’s roots go back to Monsignor Philip Reilly, founder of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. The Chicago branch of the Helpers, which operated out of the League’s office for many years, revised his book and printed it in the late 1990s. That book has now been extensively revised and updated by the League staff, and has been endorsed by the Priest Advisory Board of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
In addition to modernizing and streamlining much of the language of the original book, changes in the new Life Witness Prayer Book include Scripture passages in the easier to read New American Bible translation, the addition of the Luminous mysteries of the Rosary and a new Stations of the Cross for Victims of Abortion.
Most significantly, the original three hour-long blocks of prayer have been expanded to four hours. That means, for example, that someone praying an hour a week out at an abortion clinic would go a whole month before repeating an hour. That variety helps prayer warriors keep up their zeal during this often challenging pro-life mission.
With a sturdy cover and spiral binding, the Life Witness Prayer Book is made to last you for many years. You can buy one today at the League’s activism store. The cost for one to four copies is only $10 each, plus shipping. If you buy five or more copies, they’re only $8 each. Get a copy for everyone in your prayer group, whether you’ve been praying together for years or are just getting started.