
Tell Notre Dame to Disinvite Obama!

You may have already heard that President Barack Obama is scheduled to give the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame’s class of 2009. I’m including here the article that appeared Friday on the homepage of our parent organization, the Pro-Life Action League:

League Calls on Notre Dame To Disinvite President Obama


On March 20 it was announced that President Barack Obama is scheduled to give the commencement address to the Class of 2009 at the renowned Catholic University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The Pro-Life Action League immediately issued a press release calling on Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins to withdraw the invitation.

Obama Attacks Sanctity of Life

“Over the first two months of his administration, Barack Obama has established himself as the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history,” said League National Director Joe Scheidler, himself a graduate of Notre Dame, a Catholic university. “My alma mater should not be providing a platform for this president.”

“Starting from his first week in office, President Obama has enacted a string of executive orders, appointments and policy decisions that contradict Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life—a teaching that Notre Dame is supposed to uphold,” said Scheidler.

Among the pro-abortion actions Obama has taken in just two months in office, Scheidler lists:

  • Overturning of the Mexico City Policy, which had prohibited U.S. funds from being used to promote or provide abortions overseas
  • Working to overturn conscience protections for healthcare workers, forcing them to cooperate in abortion or risk losing their jobs
  • Appointing pro-abortion Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, who has close ties to late-term abortionist George Tiller, to head the Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dedicating federal funds to harvest embryonic stem cells for research at the expense of the most defenseless members of the human family

Tell N.D. To Disinvite Obama!

Scheidler is calling on concerned Catholics, especially Notre Dame alumni, to contact Rev. Jenkins and urge him to withdraw the Obama invitation:

  • Rev. John Jenkins, CSC
  • 400 Main Building
  • Notre Dame, IN 46556
  • 574-631-3903 **Phone calls are especially encouraged.**
  • [email protected]

If Notre Dame does not disinvite Obama, Scheidler says, the Notre Dame campus can expect a massive pro-life protest on graduation day, including the use of large, graphic abortion pictures that show exactly what Barack Obama supports.

“Father Jenkins cannot expect pro-life Catholics to stand back and allow the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history to make a mockery of Notre Dame’s Catholic identity,” Scheidler said.

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